TroiaDoc - PixelRoom - Software - Concept
To achieve a modular architecture the software is split into several applications communicating via the TCP/IP protocol family. This allows the software to run on a single PC if possible or on multiple PCs if needed without redesigning.
Troia Distributor: troia_dist
- receives the completed pixelroom stream via MCUF protocol
- distributes the data to the pixelroom electrics, i.e. to the Distribution Modules
- uses a config file to translate between 2D format of MCUF stream and hardware addresses of the pixels
Troia Stream Preview: TroiaStreamView
- shows the MCUF stream in 2D format on screen for debugging and preview
Troia Pixel Mixer: TroiaPixMix
- plays films produced in advance
- shows texts
- generates different effects
- draws the different sources atop of each other according to its commands
- sends the completed pixelroom stream using MCUF protocol to Troia Distributor
- controlled by playlists running in background and interactively by 0 - 23 Troia Pixel Gui
Troia Pixel Gui: TroiaPixGui
- control of the Troia Pixel Mixer
- editing of playlists
- interactive control of pixel wall
Troia Pixel Simulator
- shows pixelroom in 3D on the screen
- behaves as Troia Distributor