TroiaDoc - PixelRoom - LED Numbers

To avoid confusion of the pixels during assembly of TROIA and to achieve some compatibility to the protocol and the existing 2D applications, the following denominations for the pixels are defined.




+----------------+              +----------------+
I                I              I                I
I     ceiling    I              I     ceiling    I
I   part 1 of 2  I              I   part 2 of 2  I
I                I              I                I
I                I              I                I              I
I     wall 1     I    wall 2    I     wall 3     I    wall 4    I
I                I              I                I              I
I                I              I                I
I     floor      I              I     floor      I
I   part 1 of 2  I              I   part 2 of 2  I
I                I              I                I
+----------------+              +----------------+
