TroiaDoc - PixelRoom - Pixels
- A pixel is made out of a deep-drawn plastics mold, the so called cereals dish with outer dimensions 14x14cm.
- 20096 pixels are needed for the entire room without floor.
- The depth of the mold will be somewhat between 5 and 7 cm.
- 64 cereals dishes are combined into one pixel box.
- In the middle of each cereals dish, there is a LED, which faces back.
- two pins are mounted on the back side of the cereals dish
- the LEDs wires are bend to the front and soldered to these pins
- the cables are soldered to the end of the pins behind the back of the cereals dish
- A white through-hole 5mm LED with a beam angle of > 40 degrees, a forwad current of about 20mA and a forward voltage of about 3-4V will be used.